“I believe that victims of crime should be treated with dignity and respect. Your assistance and cooperation is crucial to the successful prosecution of crime. Florida law entitles you to certain basic rights. This pamphlet will help you to understand your rights and some of the services available to victims of crimes in this circuit.”
- R.J. Larizza, State Attorney
Our Office is staffed with Victim Advocates who provide the following services:
Helpful Information
Contacting the State Attorney’s Victim Advocates:
Volusia: (386) 239-7720
Flagler: (386) 313-4300
Putnam: (386) 329-0259
St. Johns: (904) 209-1620
County Clerks of Court
Volusia: http://www.clerk.org – (386) 736-5915
Flagler: http://www.flaglerclerk.com – (386) 313-4480
St. Johns: http://www.clk.co.st-johns.fl.us – (904) 819-3600
Putnam: http://www.putnam-fl.com – (386) 326-7690
State Resources
Florida Department of Corrections Victim Services: https://fdc.myflorida.com/vict/index.html
Florida Attorney General Victim Resources: http://www.myfloridalegal.com
Crime Compensation Trust Fund Claim: Victim Crimes Compensation Trust Fund Application
Florida Attorney General Seniors vs. Crime Project: http://www.seniorsvscrime.com
Important Phone Numbers
Emergency: 911
Florida Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1-800-500-1119
Florida Abuse Hotline (Child and Adult): 1-800-96-ABUSE (22873)
Florida Council Against Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-888-956-7273
Beacon Center (Volusia County): (386) 255-2102 or http://www.mybeaconcenter.com/
Family Life Center (Flagler County): (386) 437-3505 or http://www.familylifecenterflagler.org/
Betty Griffin Center (St. Johns County): (904) 824-1555 or https://www.bettygriffincenter.org/
Lee Conlee House (Putnam County): (386) 325-3141 or http://www.leeconleehouse.org
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida: (386) 255-6573
Following a year-long investigation, an arrest was made in reference to several paving projects in Volusia County
During a hearing this week in St. Johns County, defendant Vance Wilkins was sentenced to life in prison.
After a four-day trial this evening, a Volusia County jury of four men and eight women found defendant Julio Rivera